The GREF Constitution as amended at the 2012 Annual Meeting in Troia, Portugal.
Do you have questions about the Constitution? Read the Q&A:s here.
Q: Have the main objectives for GREF changed?
A: No
Q: What about voting?
A: In the previous Constitution members of the Board were elected with a two-third majority. This has now changed (GREF members voted for this change in Troia) and Board members are elected by a (simple) majority of all member jurisdictions present at a regular meeting.
Since the Constitution contains no other voting provision besides a majority vote, all future voting and/or amendments to the Constitution will proceed on that basis.
Q: What does the “one flag, one vote” principle mean?
A: The principle applies to all votes put to the GREF membership. Prior to this change only nation states could vote, giving rise to the invidious position that some members representing autonomous territories were denied a voice in decision-making. The application of the “one flag, one vote” principle means that all member jurisdictions with legal freedom of action from another, or higher national body, now have a separate and individual vote. For example: the UK has one vote, but now so do Jersey, Alderney, Gibraltar and the Isle of Man because these jurisdictions have total autonomy in gambling matters. The same will be true of other jurisdictions across Europe.
Q: What is the annual fee for a gaming regulatory organisation wanting to join GREF?
A: At the moment there is no fee. The Treasurer or a representative for the Board may propose a fee for a decision at a regular meeting. A fee could then be used to cover costs regarding the administration of GREF, website and regular meetings. The introduction of a fee is currently being discussed within the Board.