Save the date! GREF Lecture in London, Monday 3 February 2020
13th September 2019
The GREF board is pleased to announce that our next lecture for all GREF members is now confirmed for Monday 3 February 2020 in central London. The address of the venue will be communicated closer to the date.
Our lecturer will be Susan Grossey, who has planned her lecture as follows:
- Idealism versus reality: what we can realistically expect licensees to (a) obtain and (b) verify during due diligence checks, with particular emphasis on the tricky areas of beneficial ownership, and of source of funds/source of wealth
- Assessing the application of the risk-based approach: this is now the standard in AML practice, and regulators need to be able to judge whether the risk-based approach is being properly understood and applied by licensees (and indeed by themselves: regulators should be applying the risk-based approach to their oversight decisions)
- Staff training concerns: how to help licensees to graduate beyond tick-box training to proper, risk-based education of staff, and perhaps looking at how regulators could co-operate to develop high quality training for this under-served sector
- Growth crime: the startling increase in high-end fraud – interesting case studies
GREF members might themselves wish to raise AML topics that they would like to explore and Susan will be happy to adjust the agenda to accommodate that.
During the session the GREF board will encourage questions and debates, with the aim being not to supply finished answers but rather to highlight topics that need to be taken forward for further discussion and agreement.
Who is Susan Grossey?
Follow Susan’s blog:
See Susan’s five books on AML for non-executive directors: