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European gambling regulators continue to work together

04th June 2013

The Gaming Regulators European Forum (GREF) met for its annual Conference and business meeting in Riga, Republic of Latvia.

In attendance there were 22 jurisdictions and 65 delegates. After much discussion at its last business meeting, GREF agreed to open up part of its sessions to panelists from the legal profession, as well as consultants and operators.

Chairman of GREF, Mr Håkan Hallstedt said that this year’s conference has been a great success, discussing matters of mutual concern across all jurisdictions, such as cross-border crime, social gam-ing and various aspects of responsible gambling – issues that sit at the heart of regulation, whatever our national position might be.

European regulators continue to work together and build on their mutual experience in three key are-as:

technical issues and e-gaming; social responsibility and dealing with problem gambling; and devel-oping data and statistics to provide evidence-based policy development.

Specific issues that are being addressed over the coming year include:

Developing a common understanding of the role of affiliates and especially ensuring that their activi-ties and interaction with customers is appropriate, affords proper levels of protection and is in line with national licensing objectives;

Building on the work of the EU Expert Group to share knowledge and experience of licensing re-gimes and to build a common template for sharing information; and

Considering ways to improve training of staff and new appointees to national supervisory bodies and to share best practice.